This morning I woke up with a cup full of love, then my alarm went off. My alarm stole love out of my love cup, that little stinker. As I drag myself out of bed, I feel a little love draining from my cup at every step, sloshing out of the sides like my coffee. As I drive to work the radio serenades me and my love cup fills a little more. My phone stole a lot of love when it decided to stop working and a
challenging day at work punched a hole in my love cup that slowly drained it all day. By the time I got home, my poor little love cup was empty but I knew I could make it just a little bit farther because right threw that front door is something that always fills my love cup no matter what, Buster Posey. No matter what he is always happy to see me and his unconditional love always fills my love cup but what about Busters cup?
I woke up with my cup full of tired love. My mom woke me up when she rolled out of bed and put medicine in my eyes. Momma left and my cup drained a little more. But then, thankfully, my cup was refilled when I got to run around outside and go to the restroom in peace. When I come inside, I did my trick to get my food and had a nice breakfast that made my cup overflow. After a little play however, Grandma and Grandpa put me in my kennel and left. In that kennel, my love slipped away slowly all day. But then something amazing happened, I heard mom come onto the porch and realized my love cup was about to be filled. She let me out and had me do a trick and she put medicine in me eyes and then she let me outside and my love cup was full as we started to play.
I first heard about the love-cup analogy in a class I took last year that focused on communication skills of a special education teacher. She talked about what drains our cups and those around us and how important it is to understand that other peoples cups get emptied. Most of all she talked about what we can do to fill other peoples cups when they cant fill them themselves.

Buster can fill his own love cup, don't get me wrong, but Busters favorite way to fill his cup is with a good game of catch. This is becoming increasingly difficult as time passes and his eyes deteriorate. He has a hard time tracking a tennis ball and as he gets going, his eyesight seems to deteriorate when he gets excited. When I first got Buster I looked into solution for this. I looked online and found lots of people saying just to hunt down those rare toys that make noise CONSTANTLY so they can be tracked auditory oppose to visually but they are SO expensive and fragile. Buster would break those things in a millisecond. In light of this I started looking for a solution. A month ago I was drinking some water and Buster stole my empty bottle. It made a bit of noise so I thought, why not chuck that? He found it instantly! Not saying much seeing how it didnt go that far, so I decided to put some rocks in it to way it down. I shook it a little to see if he would get scared and he LOVED IT! I threw it and so far he hasn't failed to find it :) He can hear it when in hits the ground so if he did track it wrong when it was in the air, he gets re-directed to its correct location! One note is to make sure the bottle doesnt have anything that could harm your pup because that bottle may get pretty mangled but overall this is a cheap and effective way to play fetch with a visually impaired dog :)
The photo of the day is not from today but a couple weeks ago on a sunny day with his fetch bottle in the bottom. Dont mind his gunk in his eyes, it had been a long play day with little time to clean but its all worth it to see such a happy dog. Hope everyone had an amazing week and remember to keep your love cup full :)
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